In the deepest, darkest moments
of a child’s life you find
an opportunity to start to destroy;
an opportunity steal a soul.

Your jealousy of God is immense.
Your burning desire is to
become the greatest power.
So you sew the seeds of darkness
in the heart of children:

The seeds of doubt.
The seeds of fear.
The seeds of anger.
The seeds of insecurity.
The seeds of weakness.

You are the stalker.
The one who lies waiting.
Waiting in the shadows.
Looking for The Moment.
The moment to enter a heart.
The moment to grab a hand.

The moment to instill your hatred….of God.

You must enter the mind of your victim
to reach their soul.
You know their weakness.
You start there.
You use the depths of evil intention
to water the soil; to grow the seeds.

You are forever waiting, watching, crouching,
as you stalk the wounded and afflicted.

“Come follow me,
I will ease your pain.
Life will be easy.
You won’t have to work.
Everything will be free and
full of pleasure.
Take this drink.
Take this drug.
I offer no more pain.”

… are your lies.

You still deny your defeat.
Your defeat on the Cross.
God gave His only son
for us to believe in Him,
and see through your deception
and follow His Light.

Your days are growing shorter.
Your time is limited.
You roam the world spreading
your lies, your hatred, and your misery.
You stir up nations into division.
You stalk the leaders and give
them the words to deceive the masses.
You will never give up and never
give in: the Truth, the Way, and the Light.

You shall be bound.
You shall be cast out.
Those who follow you shall die.
You will have your worshipers
in the pit and dwell there.
But remember your days of soul stealing
will be gone.

Continue to stalk me if you will.
Yet you will find your efforts for naught.
For I have the Love of Christ within me.. and without.
And you shall never have this soul.
All is well with my soul.
I am saved for I Love my Lord.

Stalk on.

Β© Phyllis Weeks Rogers 10/8/2018



    1. All of September I had been grieving more than ever of the loss of my oldest son 20 years ago. I did not understand why my grief had returned so fiercely this year. Then on the 29th my youngest son died. So my last two post have been reflecting those emotions. Satan does bring us down to depression and self pity if we let him, but as I said in my first post, “Hold Onto Me Tight, Lord,” and he has been doing just that.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh goodness…having been there with my youngest son 22 years ago and my husband of 50 years just two years ago I do understand. How people manage with out God is a mystery to me . We will make…He promises us that.

        Liked by 1 person

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