Why Mockingbirds Sing

I cannot sing
yet I can hear
songs of the
Your beauty
he sings.

From the highest
branch he sings–
no song of his
own–simply a
litany of
many (songbirds).

The trilling
sparrow, whippoorwill
the whistling warbler,
cardinal, bobwhite
the laughing woodpecker,
starling, jay
the crying hawk
the mourning dove

From morning thru
night he sings
(no reason – save)
his love for You.

© copyright Phyllis Rogers 1/13/18


  1. Absolutely lovely. Words matching with both sound and picture. An incredible range of bird song. I wonder whether or not s/he does have a reason, and, does s/he repeat this ‘litany’ in the same sequence each time it bursts into song? Fascinating.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is our state bird of Texas, Roland. I do not know if they truly have a reason other than mating, but I put in my imaginations it was praise or prayer. They do not always have the same sounds in the same sequence. They seem to follow the birds they are hearing in the vicinity at the time.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. This is our state bird in Texas. Although it is seen in other parts of the US, it is more prevalent throughout the southern states. My neighborhood here on Lake Palestine in NE Texas is filled with Mockinbirds, Cardinals, Blue Jays and Bluebirds, Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmouse, Grackles, ground doves, crows, and many, many more, but the Mockingbird loves to sing what he hears from all the rest. To me he is a bird after God’s own heart.


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